Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Aftermath

Before I start this, I just want to say that everything written here is my opinion and interpretation. I'm sorry if you do not agree with me, but it is certainly not my intention to offend or hurt anyone.

Like so many, when I first heard there was explosions at the finish line of Boston yesterday, I hope it was some malfunctioning equipment or power lines and no one was injured. Tragically, that was not the case. I was born and raised in a town outside of Boston and I felt this rock me to the core. The majority of my high school friends went to college in the city so I spent a few frantic hours making sure everybody close to me was okay. What I got back was that while they were okay physically, they certainly weren't okay mentally. One of my friends works at the Mandarin hotel which was right at the epicenter of the bombing. He is truly shaken and has seen things that will never leave his mind. Another of my friends finished the race about 60 seconds before the first explosion and is trying to grasp how such a small amount of time over hours saved his life. Regardless the tragic events that happened shook the state of Massachusetts, the running community, and the entire nation. We will never forgot the people who died or the act of courage by countless running towards the chaos.

What will really define this event, I think, is not how we reacted to the moments right after, but how we pick up the pieces and try to move on from this. Very telling of this is that the majority of runners spoken to after the event insisted that they would be back next year running again. They proved that one act cannot overcome all this event means and the spirit of thousands of people. So, I say, keep running Boston. Keep running America. And, keep running world. Prove to whoever did this that we will overcome this and we will run for those who sacrificed their bodies and lives in this senseless event. And, always, pray for Boston.

The reason I love USC's slogan so much is that it applies to almost every situation. Especially here:

Fight On my friends!

I will be racing Ironman 70.3 New Orleans this weekend with my home in mind. I truly hope I can push through my injuries and make to it the finish line for all those that weren't able to yesterday.

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