Saturday, March 30, 2013

Forever Injured

Yesterday, I decided to go on a 5 mile trail run. I wanted to shake up my surroundings a little and just run for the love of running instead of worrying about times and such. About a quarter mile into the run, my foot caught the edge of a rock and twisted over completely. I didn't immediately panic, because this happens to me quite often. Normally, there's a dull pain for about 10 seconds and then I'm fine. That didn't happen this time. It was a sharp and constant pain and I couldn't put any wait on it. And the pain didn't go away. I managed to be able to limp a little and decided to try to walk/run it out (probably not the best decision). My ankle continued to deteriorate. After a mile and a half I had to stop. About an hour later, I could no longer walk. I haven't had this kind of injury in a while. Today I'm still limping.

I have two main concerns at the moment. Luckily, I already have a doctor's appointment Tuesday for my knee so I'll be able to get my ankle looked at. My biggest concern is Ironman 70.3 New Orleans. The race is in less than three weeks. It's supposed to be one of my bigger races of the year and I am concerned this may screw over my running plan. My other concern is that this is the ankle I have had previously reconstructed. I sincerely hope I didn't do any damage to those tendons and ligaments.

Ice and advil are my best friends right now. I'm praying that it gets steadily better and I can run by late next week. I'm praying that my race will be able to go on as planned.

Fight On!

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