Ran across this story the other day and wanted to share it (especially with my love for Toy Story and the name of this blog). (Credit: http://blogs.disney.com/oh-my-disney/2013/03/23/what-we-learned-from-toy-story/?cmp=SMC|blgomd|OMDMarch|FB|Learned-ToyStory|InHouse|032313|Text||esocialmedia|||) Also made me start thinking about how this can really apply to everything in life. A lot of times it seems that triathlon can be an individual sport and can even get lonely sometimes. Here's my list of what we learned from Toy Story in triathlon terms:
1. You Can Have More Than One Favorite Toy
You can have more than one favorite sport: swim, bike, run
2. Teamwork
Working out with others is sometimes just what you need
3. Always Keep Extra Batteries Around
Always keep water and some energy around. Never know when you need a pick me up
4. Be Flexible, Improvise
Everything isn't going to go your way in training and especially in a race
5. Play With Your Toys
Ride your bike
6. Don’t Forget To Pack Your “Angry Eyes”
This one is self explanatory
7. Never Underestimate The Little Guys
You never really know who your competitors are but they all made it to the start line and
that's all that really matters
8. Don’t Put The “To Keep” Toys In a Garbage Bag
You can never be too careful with your bike. I have known plenty of people to get their
9. No Toy Left Behind
No sport left behind.
10. Don’t Let Them Tell You That You Aren’t a Flying Toy
Never believe in limits. Triathletes especially shatter them daily.
11. Play Nice
Don't piss off other racers.
12. Enjoy Every Moment
Enjoy the race just as much as the finish line.
13. Be Yourself
Again, self-explanatory.
14. Clean Your Room
Clean your bike, it will thank you.
15. Stand Up For What You Believe In
There is a lot of ways to interpret this one. Racing for charity. Seeing others break the
rules. Helping others you see in need.
16. Donate Your Toys To a Good Home
Triathlon is an expensive sport. Help however you can.
17. Toys Don’t Belong On a Shelf
Shoes don't belong in the closet. Bikes don't belong indoors. Swimsuits don't belong in
the bureau.
18. Don’t Hold a Grudge
Against yourself for a bad workout. Against the weather in the winter. Against anything.
19. You’re Braver Than You Think
In triathlon, stepping up to that finish line once is more than most will do in their lives.
Don't forget how big that is.
20. Be a Friend
Whether in practice or a race, whether passing or being passed, always say hi to that
person. It may be just the pick-me-up they need to keep going.
1. You Can Have More Than One Favorite Toy
You can have more than one favorite sport: swim, bike, run
2. Teamwork
Working out with others is sometimes just what you need
3. Always Keep Extra Batteries Around
Always keep water and some energy around. Never know when you need a pick me up
4. Be Flexible, Improvise
Everything isn't going to go your way in training and especially in a race
5. Play With Your Toys
Ride your bike
6. Don’t Forget To Pack Your “Angry Eyes”
This one is self explanatory
7. Never Underestimate The Little Guys
You never really know who your competitors are but they all made it to the start line and
that's all that really matters
8. Don’t Put The “To Keep” Toys In a Garbage Bag
You can never be too careful with your bike. I have known plenty of people to get their
9. No Toy Left Behind
No sport left behind.
10. Don’t Let Them Tell You That You Aren’t a Flying Toy
Never believe in limits. Triathletes especially shatter them daily.
11. Play Nice
Don't piss off other racers.
12. Enjoy Every Moment
Enjoy the race just as much as the finish line.
13. Be Yourself
Again, self-explanatory.
14. Clean Your Room
Clean your bike, it will thank you.
15. Stand Up For What You Believe In
There is a lot of ways to interpret this one. Racing for charity. Seeing others break the
rules. Helping others you see in need.
16. Donate Your Toys To a Good Home
Triathlon is an expensive sport. Help however you can.
17. Toys Don’t Belong On a Shelf
Shoes don't belong in the closet. Bikes don't belong indoors. Swimsuits don't belong in
the bureau.
18. Don’t Hold a Grudge
Against yourself for a bad workout. Against the weather in the winter. Against anything.
19. You’re Braver Than You Think
In triathlon, stepping up to that finish line once is more than most will do in their lives.
Don't forget how big that is.
20. Be a Friend
Whether in practice or a race, whether passing or being passed, always say hi to that
person. It may be just the pick-me-up they need to keep going.
After three tear-inducing films and a couple of hilarious shorts, the toys have a lot of adventures under their belts. That means they also have a lot of wisdom to impart, inspirational, practical, and otherwise.
1. You Can Have More Than One Favorite Toy
During playtime with Andy, there is a place for everyone: good guys, bad guys, barrels of monkeys, Mr. Evil Dr. Porkchop, and maybe every toy was Andy’s favorite in their own special way. Maybe playtime wouldn’t have been the same without everyone. Maybe we’re not just talking about toys, maybe we’re talking about real life. Maybe we’re talking about friends. Maybe things are getting real metaphorical. Better keep going…
2. Teamwork

Andy said it himself, this duo is “unstoppable.” The toys had to find their way back to Andy on three separate occasions, and all three times they made it because of teamwork. Remember, there’s no “i” in “toy.”
Andy said it himself, this duo is “unstoppable.” The toys had to find their way back to Andy on three separate occasions, and all three times they made it because of teamwork. Remember, there’s no “i” in “toy.”
3. Always Keep Extra Batteries Around
This one isn’t metaphorical. It really is wise to have extra batteries on-hand. (We recommend BNL batteries, of course.)
4. Be Flexible, Improvise

You can never know where the day will take you—maybe you’ll be at a cafe in Paris, or at a tea party with Mrs. Nesbitt. Just stay loose and be ready to go wherever playtime takes you.
You can never know where the day will take you—maybe you’ll be at a cafe in Paris, or at a tea party with Mrs. Nesbitt. Just stay loose and be ready to go wherever playtime takes you.
5. Play With Your Toys
No one can say for certain that our toys are alive and eager for our attention. But we also can’t say for certain that they AREN’T, right? So, better play it safe and get in some playtime so that your toys don’t get lonely.
6. Don’t Forget To Pack Your “Angry Eyes”
You don’t want to have to use them, but it’s nice to have them, just in case.
7. Never Underestimate The Little Guys
The green aliens weren’t the most complex or innovative toys. They didn’t advance many plotlines, and were always easily impressed, “oooOOooooo!” But, when all was said and done, these little guys came to the rescue with their steadfast dedication to their pals and mastery of crane operation.
8. Don’t Put The “To Keep” Toys In a Garbage Bag
This one is also extremely literal. Toys you want to keep go in a box that says “attic,” or a nice storage bin, or better yet, a shelf. Never a garbage bag, otherwise Toy Story 3 hijinks ensue.
9. No Toy Left Behind
Buddy system, guys. We arrived together, we leave together. Never leave a man behind. That’s what the line “you’ve got a friend in me” is all about.
10. Don’t Let Them Tell You That You Aren’t a Flying Toy
That’s a fancy way of saying don’t let anyone keep you from your dreams. True, Buzz was a toy, not a space ranger, but he definitely flew once he put his mind to it.
11. Play Nice
If the scare tactics the toys used on Sid didn’t convince you to treat your toys with respect, then listen to us now. Play nice—you don’t want to end up like this guy.
12. Enjoy Every Moment
Kids grow up. We know, we know: ouch. But, instead of missing the past or anticipating the future, just enjoy the present. Keep in mind what Woody proclaims in Toy Story 2, “I can’t stop Andy from growing up… but I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
13. Be Yourself
Mini Buzz was not fooling anyone in this Toy Story Toon (except for, perhaps, himself). Why be a mini version of someone else when you can be the full-sized version of yourself?
14. Clean Your Room
Otherwise, mom will! And she’ll put the wrong toys in the yard sale box, which might include Wheezy, and then Woody will have to save the day to rescue Wheezy, and risk being taken by an avid toy collector and sold to a children’s museum in Tokyo. SO… just remember to clean your room.
15. Stand Up For What You Believe In
We like our potatoes feisty. Look at this picture of Mrs. Potato Head. Just look at her! She, along with the rest of the toys, didn’t like the way Lotso was running Sunnyside, so they hatched a plan and did something about it. The results? A better playtime situation where everyone got to play, all because the toys stood up for what they believed in.
16. Donate Your Toys To a Good Home
Though it pained us all to watch Andy hand his toys over to Bonnie, we were also so very happy that they’d now get to play again! And with such a sweet and imaginative kid! So be sure that your toys find a safe and fun home because…
17. Toys Don’t Belong On a Shelf
In Toy Story 2, Woody came so close to going to the Konishi Toy Museum in Tokyo, he had us screaming at the movie screen “No! Don’t do it!” Toys aren’t meant for a life behind glass, which he luckily realized by the end of the film, just in time to make it back to Andy, yet again. Whew.
18. Don’t Hold a Grudge
Lotso was one bitter bear, but we’re not going to say that his grudge was totally unfounded. He had his little teddy bear heart broken, and that’s a fact. But, he got another shot at playtime at Sunnyside, which would have been great had he not adopted his “no owners means no heartbreak!” slogan. If you think about it, Lotso and Jessie are two peas in a pod, except Jessie kept her heart open to a new owner, and look how happy she was! (This one got a bit metaphorical too.)
19. You’re Braver Than You Think
At every turn, Rex is filled with anxiety or nervous for the unknown. But he also helped rescue Woody, crossed a busy street, survived playtime at Sunnyside, not to mention he really knows how to party. Remember, being brave doesn’t mean you aren’t scared, it means you’re scared but go for it anyway.
20. Be a Friend
No matter where the toys ended up–Sunnyside, the attic, or Bonnie’s house–they knew they’d be okay because they’d have each other. We’re even getting ourselves all choked-up at this point. The point is, if you’re a good friend, you’ll always have friends to back you up and be the Buzz to your Woody or the Bullseye to your Jessie.
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